John B. Mooney
Henr. Aas, Bjarne Aas Ltd., Fredrikstad (NOR)

Small scale "Antiope" : The 1:6 tank testing model
(credits : Thomas Price)
Added by Kaspar Stubenrauch
on 2012-12-28
5.5 USA 47 - Boat search
Last location known: Oyster Bay, NY. Who can help to find her?
5.5 US 47 "Antiope" - built in Norway 1963
Lloyd's Register of American Yachts 1965 is stating Bjarne Aas, Fredrikstad, Norway, as builder.
Designer not Luders
Antiope was not designed by Bill Luders. She was kept at Luders' yard in Stamford, CT, and work was done on her there, but she was designed by my father, John B. Mooney, for himself, and (I believe) built by Dirk Kneulman in Ontario, Canada.
5.5 US 47 "Antiope " - more info on tank testing
Thomas Price is reporting on tank testing with and for "Antiope":
"... Karl Kirkman (who is a friend of mine) tested this model (1/6), and several others in increasing scale and then the full scale "Antiope" in the Carderock towing tank. These tests became a benchmark in scaling effects and as I understand it, the small model was used in all towing tanks to "calibrate" their tanks for similar results.
I have a copy of the paper as presented in the SC13 Panel, Sailing Yacht Symposium in Annapolis way back in 1975.
Wonder where the larger models of Antiope are now? (tow tank models seem to hang around forever!) I am a model maker for the US Naval Academy, by the way. Regards, Tom..."
Memory of ANTIOPE US 47
In 1971, at the invitation of William "Bill" Luders and Benjamin "Bingo" Gilbert, a crew from the Stamford Yacht Club Junior Sailing Program was invited to sail ANTIOPE, owned by Mr. Gilbert (who also owned US 50 BINGO) in the US Championships, held that year in Stamford; the 5.5 Worlds that year were after the US Championship, and were being held across Long Island Sound in Oyster Bay, NY, so there was a big international fleet at the US CHampionships (Bill Luders was sailing BINGO in the US Championship and the Worlds.)
Aboard ANTIOPE, then somewhat tired and needing a little TLC, I was the skipper, along with John B. Dowling and a third crew named Rick Neitsche (this is very mangled spelling of Rick's name.) In the weeks prior to the event, John and I were given free access to the Luders Marine Consrtruction yard and rigging shop, and we managed to bring ANTIOPE into relatively good shape, although we were working with very old sails, rigging, etc. It was a wonderful experience, we managed to finish in the top ten, and I came to love ANTIOPE and Meter boats in general. I will always be grateful to Bill Luders and Bingo Gilbert, two great friends of the 5.5 Meter Class.
5.5 US-47 "Antiope" - Info from H. Herreshoff
Halsey Herreshoff has contributed on US-47 by e-mail, on the 21st of March 2010:
"...ANTIOPE was the vehicle of yacht model testing research when I was employed at M.I. T. We towed the real boat in the David Taylor model testing basin in Washington and towed the model at M.I.T. The comparison was constructive for scaling and verification to a degree re. model testing in general. I do not know what happened to the boat after that...."