Alfred Edward "Bill" Luders Jr. (USA)

5.5 SWE 58 "Wildcat" - on her mooring : Ready to sail
(credits : M. Nelson)
Added by Kaspar Stubenrauch
on 2022-11-08
5.5 SWE 58 "Wildcat" - back to the water
This boat has been brought back to sailing life, by Mats Nelson in Sweden. Previously spending a big time span in the open, this Classic 5.5mR was in need for a complete renovation, covering a considerable amount of woodwork. Mats had already shown his abilities, when renovating SWE 46, before. Now SWE 58 - and the next project is waiting at the doorstep: SWE 59, his first Evolution.
Wildcat N-24 (SWE 58
When I bought Wildcat N-24 in Oslo 1968-1969, I was told by Terje Ohlsson (the previous owner) the the stern was rebuilt a couple of years before. The original stern was the so called positive transom, but later the boat was rebuit to the so called Negative stern or transom, I sahll try to get some photoes.
John Jahr (26 Marz 2010).
The color of Wildcat was light green or light turquoise. It's seen in the film "NJK 100 years 1861-1961".
5.5 S-58 "Wildcat" - additional info received
Per-Olof Lindqvist has sent in more informaiton on "Wildcat", which he owned from 1975 to 1979, rebuldign her during winter 1977-78. His boat info: "...Under the white paint, on hull she was light green, the deck was dark green, is that a clue?.....Mahogany on ash frames, no pluggs in the hull...."
Per-Olof is holding the boats yard sign, reconfirming the Luders design.
So, now the search is on, which boat Inge Brynildssen has owned instead.
Two Wildcats
Could the other boat be Flame? Both boats Flame and Wildcat were owned by Albert Fay and were Luders designs. Last time when Albert raced internationally with Flame was 1967 in Nassau World championship. Maybe the boat came then to Scandinavia. Also Flame might be in Seattle.
5.5 N-24 "Wildcat" - historic info from I. Brynildsen
Inge Brynildsen is adding this historic data on his ownership of N-24:
"...When I was still an owner of N7 ex Freesia I got an offer from a boat broker to buy a 5.5MR Number N24 from Sweden. At that time the 5.5MR class was in that "dying" in Norway and only a few of us tried to keep the class alive including, at that time, His Majesty King Olav V, I saw the opportunity to add some more boats to the rather small fleet. I asked for the papers for the boat and they were shown to me with all the correct measurements,origin and constuctor and builder. I bought the boat and kept the name "Wildcat" because I knew the boats history. The boat came and was delivered with two sets of sails with N24 and one Spinnaker with the same number and in good belief I have until now believed I was once an owner of "Wildcat" N24 S58.
At that time I was a member of the Swedish 5.5MR Association in Stockholm so you have some knowledge about 5.5MR 's. It obviously seems that there was a kind of trick because when I saw the boat on your website from Poole Bay 1962 I said to my wife " for goodness sake that boat looks so clumpy compared with "my" "Wildcat". The one I bought was much slimmer and more elegant in the body, the same two separate cockpits that Wildcat had. I just had it for a short while but it showed to my surprise after matching the two boats together that N24 regarding how much trimming I was doing was much slower than my number 7 that I had at the same time. What I bought I now don't know. I know that there is a lot of sails been sold around the market to other boats but how the papers could show up I have no idea...."
As we have parallel ownership entries, we are searching for more info on N-24 / S-58 in order to determine, which original boat the one now stationed in Täby really is. Anyone have further data, please add it here.
SWE-058 Wildcat Ex Us-027 Ex NOR-024
Wildcat was in Sweden 1971-75, owner S Bonde. 1975-79 P-O Lindqvist. 1979-81 Jan Lydemark.
Current location Täby. Wildcat will soon be a wreck, she is in a very bad condition and need a lot of love and care.
First picture received from Trudi Evans, Tuesday 10. November 2009
We see that there is no picture of the beautiful and once a proud boat named "Wildcat" so we wanted to make our contribution.
As we are having problems entering the information could you please put in the attached old picture of Wildcat on behalf of my Norwegian husband a previous owner, Inge Brynildsen.
Also as far as we know this boat is now in Sweden, Stockholm area for renovation.
Thank you for your help,
Kind regards,
Trudi Evans
NOR-24 Wildcat
The owner Wildcat between 1976 - 1978 was Inge Brynildsen, Moss , Norway.
Designer and builder
This is a Luders design number 1011 L5.5 #9.
The builder is Seabrook Shipyard, on Galveston Bay, Kemah, Texas.
Wildcat is Wildcat
The original name of this boat is Wildcat.
The article in Sports Illustrated from 1963 tells wrong information. Flame was the name of another esrlier boat of Albert B. Fay.
Wildcat or Flame?
I read the article in Sports Illustrated from 1963 and there it's told that the name of the boat with number US-027 is Flame and not Wildcat. Does anybody know if the original name was Flame or Wildcat?
Septemebr 16, 1963 Sports Illustrated Magazine
The cover photo shows US31 and US27 side by side reaching with spinnakers. The article is about the Fay brothers with a couple other photos of competitors Norway's Prince Harald and Russian Konstantin Alexandrov.
uSA-27 was sold to Norway (NOR-24) and owned by Terje Ohlsson (from 1966 to 1969, after then John Jahr was the owner until 1971, when it was sold to Sweden.