Boat details (n°149)

Boat details (n°149)




Henri Copponex (SUI)
Louis Plojoux, Corsier-Port, Genève (SUI)
Mahogany, carvel planked
1st certificate issued
Original boat name
Twins X
Original country
Original sail number
Original location
Brebbia, Lago Maggiore (ITA)


ITA-032 Italian Open Championship : Gravedona, Lake Como, 1.6.2014
(credits : Alberto Albertini)
Added by Alberto Albertini
on 2014-06-20

Photo Gallery (13)



Notes (6)

5.5 I-32 "Paff" - boat history
by Kaspar Stubenrauch, 19-10-2014
Francesco Gandolfi reports on I-32 "Paff":

Between 1962 and the end of 1963 or the beginning of 1963 ITA-32, launched as Max Oberti's Twins X but renamed Paff, has been owned by Renato Zevi, who had bought it to be used by his son Filippo; at the end of the first school quarter 1963-1964 the bad marks of the 5.50 user brought a school change and the sale of the 5.50 to the Bassani family (of Wally Yachts fame), who kept her for many years.
At the time the boat was white, as it had been since new; I attach a picture of Paff, shot at the Portofino regatta in September 1962 and two scans from Vela e Motore (the oldest Italian yachting magazine still existing), the first one covering when the sail number was granted and the second one in which the debut of the new Twins X is covered.
Filippo Zevi and I have been friends between 1955 and the early eighties, then he moved to Florence and we lost touch. We sailed and raced together on Paff and on my family’s boat, a RORC Class 2 by the name of Quique; on the 5.50 Filippo steered and I was the “cockpit man”, trimming sails and playing the tactician, even if at that time the name was not yet used, at least in Italy.
When the boat was sold to the Bassani family, Filippo and I did a few races with the oldest of the Bassani’s of our generation, Toni, who left the tiller to Filippo because he did not feel up to the job; I never sailed with Toni’s junior brother, Luca, but I must assume that in 1964 his sailing experience was the same or less, so the fact that Twins X/Paff introduced to the love of sailing someone who later would play the role that Luca Bassani and Wally Yachts had and still have in the yachting world looks of great importance and interest to me.
Conclusion : mistake in both Corsier Port and Copponex registers
by Site Administrator, 26-04-2008
See ITA-023 for Twins IX story.
Twins X has been then wrongly named IX in both Corsier Port register (construction nr.105, drawing nr.1730) and in the Henri Copponex archives (four drawings dated sept. 1959 - ref. HC032, HC054, HC055 and HC095 - are mentionning ""Twins IX", M. Oberti").
Boats of Max Oberti
by Matti Muoniovaara, 23-09-2007
Twins VI, I-5, Velella, I-5, design Pietro Baglietto, builder Cantiere Baglietto, Varazze, year 1953
Twins VII, I-9, design Pietro Baglietto, builder Cantiere Baglietto, Varazze, year 1954
Twins VIII, I-17, design Pietro Baglietto, builder Cantiere Baglietto, Varazze, year 1956
Twins IX, I-23, Merica , I-23, design Pietro Baglietto, builder Cantiere Baglietto, Varazze, year 1958
Twins X, I-32, design Henri Copponex, builder C.N.Corsier-Port, year 1960
Twins XI, I-34, design Einar & Carl-Erik Ohlson, builder Kungsörs Båtvarv, year 1960
Twins XII, I-39, design Einar & Carl-Erik Ohlson, builder Arendals (Göteborg) , year 1962
Twins XIII, I-46, Violetta VII, I-46, design Einar & Carl-Erik Ohlson, builder Kungsörs Båtvarv, year 1964
Twins XIV, I-49, design Britton Chance Jr., builder Herman Egger, St. Aubin, year 1966

Document library (3)


By / When
5.5 I-32 "Twins X" - new sailnumber
Proof of dedicated sailnumber; provided by F. Gandolfi
2.34 Mb
2 Mb
5.5 I-32 "Twins 32" - racing debut
Racing at Coppa C.O.N.I.
1.27 Mb
1 Mb
Henri Copponex - biography
Biography kindly provided by the Henri Copponex Archive
49 Kb
49 Kb

ITA-032 Italian Open Championship : Gravedona, Lake Como, 1.6.2014
(credits : Alberto Albertini)
Added by Alberto Albertini on 2014-06-20

Ownership history (4)

"Twins X"
"Twins X"

Results History (1)

Race / Location
Added by, on

Year : 2014
Rank : 8th
Race : Enoshima Trophy /
Location :
Tutzing, Lake of Starnberg
Skipper : Tobias Isler
Added by : Kaspar Stubenrauch, 09-10-2015

Links Library (1)

(Historic info in Dutch language)